You can give to Victory Baptist Church online by clicking/touching the button below. The first time you do that, you can click the "Sign Up" link in the upper right and create a account for yourself. This will give you a record of your giving. You'll enter your email address, set up a 4-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN), and set up credit card(s) and/or bank account(s) from which to give. Make sure the first and last name you use are the ones on your credit card/bank account.
You will get a welcome email and a confirmation email. Click on the link in it to verify your email address. After setting up this account, logging in in the upper right (if you aren't already) will ensure your gift is recorded for you. You can also give without setting up an account, but having one will make it much easier to give in the future, especially if you don't want to set up automatic charges or withdrawals.
To give, enter an amount and designate what it is for, just as you do on a paper envelope, i.e. tithe, missions, etc. You should make separate gifts for each designation, i.e. one for tithe, one for missions, etc. By default, each is a one-time gift. You can make each a recurring gift, i.e. weekly or monthly. You must choose to have it charged to a credit card or withdrawn from a bank account, which will automatically be filled in if you've set up an account and you're logged in.
If you click the down arrow, you can check a box to have an additional amount charged or withdrawn to cover the small fee that by default comes out of your gift. You can also add a note/memo specifying who a Love Offering is for, or other info.
You can still mail your gift as a check or money order to the church.
Please designate how much is for tithe, missions, etc.
Please do not send cash through the mail!
Victory Baptist Church
1020 Beaver Valley Rd
Beavercreek OH 45434