If you haven't read the About VBC Today page, you may want to do so before reading this.
One of the first questions potential visitors have about a church is what they wear. Dress at VBC ranges from T-shirt and jeans to the traditional suits for gentlemen and dresses for ladies. Almost no one wears a face mask here, but you can. Dress up or dress casual—we want you to be comfortable during your visit so you can focus on the message.
Directions to Victory are on our home page and include these links for Apple Maps and Google Maps mobile apps. When you arrive, park in any spot you wish—the only reserved parking is for the disabled.
In the vestibule, you'll find missionary prayer cards, as well as walkers and other mobility assistance. The greeter will welcome you and direct you to wherever you wish to go or answer questions you may have. In the lobby, you can view a 1611 King James Bible on the table or pages from other historical Bibles on the walls. The restrooms are at the rear of the lobby and the water fountain is just down the hall from them. Hand sanitizer is available at various locations.
If you arrive in time for Sunday School (10:00 am), everyone initially meets in the fellowship hall, to the left from the lobby. It's a short, weekly, whole-family gathering. After this, folks stay for the Adult class or depart for other classes.
If you arrive for the Sunday Worship Service (11:00 am), you'll turn right into the anteroom outside the sanctuary, where you can pick up a visitor's card and a church bulletin with order of hymns for the day. You can get the bulletin on your phone so you don't have to handle a paper one touched by someone else. There's no reserved seating in the sanctuary and with attendance typically less than 25% of seating capacity, there's plenty of room to safely spread out and social distance.
The service begins with music, followed by announcements, the offering, and then the sermon. Lyrics are on the projection screen so you don't have to touch a hymnal. The congregation has returned to the pre-pandemic practices of shaking hands and hugging, something you should be prepared for if you choose to visit. If you filled out a visitor card, you can drop it in the offering plate or wait and give it to the pastor at the end of the service. We don't expect visitors to give an offering unless led to do so by the Holy Spirit.
Your visit to Victory Baptist Church is very important to us. We want you to feel encouraged and challenged during your worship with us. We hope you enjoy your time at Victory and we pray God blesses you as a result.